
Anima Solutions is dedicated to providing specialized software solutions, not only on a custom basis, but also through our pre-developed, but flexible and always customizable software products.

One of the greatest advantages in purchasing one of our pre-developed systems is that your organization is not only purchasing a well-designed and well-built system, but at the same time also purchasing Anima Solutions as a technology partner.  Unlike software vendors, we are primarily a software consulting company.  The lifeblood of our company is always being willing to listen to your software needs and immediately getting to work on solutions.

Arcus TM  Flexible Systems for Law Enforcement

Punch Trakker TM  Practical, Powerful Punch List Management for Construction Projects

Clean Up Utility for Builder 360® *

Schedule Update Utility for Builder 360® *

Product Summary

ArcusTM  Flexible Systems for Law Enforcement

Arcus is a Records Management System (RMS) for law enforcement agencies, with Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) available.  Sophisticated and progressive programming techniques, scalability and features providing flexibility and intuitiveness make this system a prime choice for small to mid-sized law enforcement agencies.  Some of the features in our Arcus product include the following:

      User accountability for modification of data
      Multi-level security and permissions, integrated with Windows Domain
      Two powerful search modules
      Intuitive user interface
      Always Expandable and Customizable

More about Arcus

Punch TrakkerTM  Practical, Powerful Punch List Management

Punch Trakker is a punch list management application designed to assist the management of construction projects in their quality assurance efforts.  The product is designed with large construction projects in mind and is well suited for commercial builders, residential multi-family builders and single family production builders.  Features are built into the system that allow the software to be used by the investment company, the general contractor and the sub-contractors of a construction project.  Some of the features that set apart our product from others in the industry are the following.

      Flexible and powerful, 5-tiered hierarchy for inspection areas
      Multiple inspector sign-off
      Easy maintenance and Punch List creation for large construction projects
      Ability to work off-line and synchronize to the main database
      Multi-user, multi-project
      Always Expandable and Customizable

More about Punch Trakker

Clean Up Utility  for Builder 360® *

The Clean Up Utility is a peripheral application for the Builder 360® * system for home builders.  It is designed to clean the Builder 360® * database of accumulated, unused items.  As users and managers come and go, each has his/her own way of using the system and this can directly impact the amount of data to be managed.  Long-time users of Builder 360® * find this utility not only useful, but crucial in managing their data and becoming more productive on the system again.

More about the Clean Up Utility

Schedule Update Utility  for Builder 360® *

The Schedule Update Utility is another peripheral application which connects to the Builder 360®* system for home builders.  The Schedule Update Utility provides users of the Scheduling module the ability to update multiple live Job Schedules at once from an updated Schedule Template, without interrupting the tracking of construction progress.

More about the Schedule Update Utility

Future Products

If your organization would like to recommend a software product to fill a specific need in your industry, we would be happy to hear from you.  We offer great incentives to organizations who spearhead new development projects.  It could even cost you less to have us develop a new software product for your organization, and have a system designed exactly to your specifications than to purchase a software package under a business model that benefits the software vendor more than it benefits you and your staff.

To learn more about our released software products or those planned, please contact us. We offer valuable savings incentives to those organizations who commit to purchasing one of our products prior to release.

* Builder 360 is a registered trade mark of Constellation HomeBuilder Systems


We're currently looking for recommendations for software products to fill specific needs in any industry.

If you have identified such a need in your industry, please contact us to let us know.

We can provide you with a system designed exactly to  your specifications... and it could end up costing you relatively little or even nothing over time!

Ask us about our incentives for new software products.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by... Contact us today!

Punch Trakker
Clean Up Utility
Schedule Update Utility

© Copyright 2006-2011, D.A. Custom Software, L.L.C.

Anima Solutions is an assumed name of D.A. Custom Software, L.L.C.